Responsible Ratings Index rebalanced for 2023

The Responsible Ratings Index (RRI) was launched in 2020 to provide a one-stop shop for readers looking for the top-rated ESG funds. Using research from our in-house team at Bonhill Intelligence, ESG Clarity has collated the sustainable ratings from houses such as Morningstar, MSCI and Square Mile to find the best-rated sustainable funds.

The RRI has been rebalanced, revealing the new top funds as rated by our partners.

Click here to take a closer look at the top three funds in ESG Clarity’s January 2023 digital magazine.

Here are the top 25 funds in January 2023:

Name RRI Morningstar sustainability rating MSCI Square Mile Global category Sustainable investment – overall Fund size £M
Royal London Sustainable World 5 5 5 Responsible A Aggressive Allocation Yes 2742
Legg Mason CB US Eq Sust Ldrs 5 5 5 Responsible A US Equity Large Cap Blend Yes 1312
MS INVF Global Brands 5 5 5 Global Equity Large Cap No 17213
BGF ESG Multi-Asset 5 5 5 Moderate Allocation Yes 5741
LF Lindsell Train UK Equity 5 5 5 UK Equity Large Cap No 4638
Nordea 1 – Alpha 10 MA 5 5 5 Multialternative No 3989
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA 5 5 5 Multialternative No 3907
LF Ruffer Absolute Return 5 5 5 Flexible Allocation 3670
Royal London Sustainable Div 5 5 5 Moderate Allocation Yes 3353
CCLA COIF Charities Investment 5 5 5 Aggressive Allocation 3290
Liontrust Sust Fut Mgd 3 5 5 5 Aggressive Allocation Yes 2705
Robeco Sust Global Stars Eqs 5 5 5 Global Equity Large Cap Yes 2643
Brown Advisory US Sust Gr 5 5 5 US Equity Large Cap Growth Yes 2597
BNY Mellon Mlt-Asst Balanced 5 5 5 Aggressive Allocation No 2355
GuardCap Global Equity 5 5 5 Global Equity Large Cap No 2254
BNY Mellon Mlt-Asst Growth 5 5 5 Aggressive Allocation No 1969
Janus Henderson Global Sust Eq 5 5 5 Global Equity Large Cap Yes 1771
Schroder ISF Glbl Engy Tnstn 5 5 5 Energy Sector Equity Yes 1564
Schroder ISF Hong Kong Eq 5 5 5 Greater China Equity No 1561
JPM Pacific Equity 5 5 5 Asia Equity No 1517
Morgan Stanley UK Global Brands 5 5 5 Global Equity Large Cap No 1161
Schroder ISF EM Dbt Abs Rt 5 5 5 Emerging Markets Fixed Income No 991
BlackRock Continental Euro 5 5 5 Europe Equity Large Cap No 968
BA Beutel Goodman US Val 5 5 5 US Equity Large Cap Value No 894
Thesis Juniper 5 5 5 Aggressive Allocation 770

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