First Sentier appoints Turner as global head of responsible investment

First Sentier Investors has announced Kate Turner as its global head of responsible investment, as Will Oulton is set to retire at the end of the year.

Based in Sydney, Turner has worked within the investment and responsible investment team over the past three years supporting integration of ESG considerations into processes and engaging clients and stakeholders.

The group has also made four new hires to bolster the team; Finian Power joins as head of ESG policy and regulation having previously held the role of head of investment management at First Sentier’s Dublin office, while Bjorn De Smedt, Rhys Foulkes and Belinda White have joined as responsible investment specialists.

CEO Mark Steinberg commented: “I would like to personally thank Will for his significant contribution to the business and to the industry over the last 10 years. During this time, he helped set up the responsible Investment team and more recently played a central role in establishing the First Sentier MUFG Sustainable Investment Institute. Pleasingly, he will remain actively engaged with FSI in a non-executive/consultancy capacity.

“I am delighted to internally appoint Kate as successor to this important role. Along with our new appointments, our global RI team is now well-positioned to advise on increasingly complex ESG regulations, and work with investment teams on critical issues including climate change, human rights and modern slavery, diversity and biodiversity – all with the aim of driving long-term investment performance and helping address some of society’s significant challenges,” Steinberg added.

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