ESG Clarity’s most read articles of 2022

ESG Clarity readers were most interested in regulation, awards, net zero and human rights in 2022 as revealed by our most read articles from the website for the year.

It’s unsurprising to see so many regulatory pieces in the top 10 with fast-paced changes in legislation around the world, and as companies and funds get to grip with the net-zero plans and climate disclosures.

It’s also encouraging to see more social aspects such as human rights receive more attention than previous years, and of course our inaugural ESG Clarity Awards, recognising talent across the European ESG investment industry, being so popular with our audience.

Here are the most read ESG Clarity articles of 2022:

  1. ESG regulations around the world
  2. ESG Clarity Awards: All the pics, videos and winners
  3. ISSB proposes sustainable disclosure requirements for companies
  4. Quarter of Article 9 funds at risk of being downgraded
  5. There is no such thing as ESG investing
  6. Climate risk disclosures are ‘half-baked’
  7. Kamhi to oversee EOS as heads leave Federated Hermes
  8. FCA announces three sustainable fund labels in greenwashing crackdown
  9. Asset managers struggle to retain ESG experts amid soaring salaries
  10. Human rights due diligence spots investment risks earlier than ESG

The ESG Clarity team would like to thank our readers for support in 2022 and wish you a Happy New Year!

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