Pollination welcomes back a former US Treasury climate adviser

Investment firm Pollination is regaining a former high-level employee who most recently was climate counselor to the US Treasury Department, the company announced today.

John Morton, who served in the role under Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, is now Pollination’s global head of advisory and is on firm’s executive committee. He had previously been at Pollination as a partner from March 2020 until April 2021, when he joined the Treasury.

“John’s unique breadth of experience spans the private sector, government, philanthropy and multi-lateral development banks,” the firm stated in its announcement. “John’s work has focused on expediting the transition to a low carbon economy, and he has been at the forefront of designing and structuring some of the most innovative platforms and investment vehicles to mobilize private capital flows into fast-growing global markets.”

Morton had also served as senior director for energy and climate change in the Obama White House. He was also chief of staff and chief operating officer at the Overseas Private Investment Corporation and had worked for The Pew Charitable Trusts.

“The scale of the climate challenge is matched only by the size of the investment opportunity presented by the transition to net zero,” Morton said in the announcement. “All around the world, we are seeing policies and regulations align to incentivize and expedite the decarbonization of the global economy, while at the same time costs of underlying technologies continue to fall dramatically.”

Globally, Pollination has more than 200 workers. In the US, the firm’s work includes “structuring new blended finance climate investment vehicles for multilateral institutions, building a decarbonization platform for a major private equity house and developing net zero and nature positive strategies for several national commodity boards representing hundreds of US companies,” the firm stated.

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