Sarasin & Partners appoints Roberts to lead charity team

Sarasin & Partners has appointed Melanie Roberts as head of the firm’s charity team, taking over from Richard Maitland, who has held the role since 2003.

Roberts joined the Sarasin & Partners charity team – which currently manages £8bn of assets for more than 480 charity clients – in 2011, having previously worked at Newton Investment Management. She was made a partner at Sarasin & Partners in 2016.

In her new role, Roberts will focus on strategy, stewardship and client service, and said despite challenging markets posing “a tough backdrop for charities trying to preserve spending power”, she looks forward to supporting “clients in navigating these turbulent times”.

Guy Matthews, managing partner at Sarasin & Partners, added he is confident Roberts will develop and team and services amid the “challenging economic backdrop” and said, “Melanie has been at the very heart of the charity franchise’s success since she joined us more than a decade ago”.

Maitland, who will become a senior partner, added his vote of confidence that the “charity team will flourish under Melanie’s leadership”.

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