Investor sustainability surge to accelerate

After years of seemingly unstoppable momentum behind ESG, the sustainable investment space witnessed heightened debate in 2022. This was largely driven by political posturing in the US, as the divide between anti-ESG red states and pro-ESG blue states widened. The uncertainty stemming from the anti-ESG camp is unlikely to abate over the coming year or … Read more

Growing demand for diversity investment products

Asset managers are paying more attention than ever to the ‘S’ in ESG, largely as major clients increasingly value diversity, a recent report from Cerulli found. According to the firm, 37% of asset managers currently provide or are working on products focused on equal employment opportunity, diversity and gender issues. Further, a third of them … Read more

LOIM: Unlocking green alpha

There has been a change in investor mindset around sustainability, it’s happening faster than previously anticipated, and will lead to an economic transformation by as early as 2030. These are the bold statements made by the global head of equity, head of sustainability research and head of UK wholesale at Lombard Odier Investment Management (LOIM) … Read more

Finance must realise civil society wants to help

Having crossed the divide from finance to a non-profit during 2022, I’ve seen first-hand the challenges the finance sector faces when it comes to sustainability. Although I know from the inside that there are many incredible people within finance looking to champion change, who have a strong sense of social responsibility through their work, I … Read more