Will the industry lean into honest performance reporting – warts and all?

There have been a number of ‘impact reports’ and ‘impact calculators’ launched over the past few years – many rich with information, both qualitative and quantitative. What there’s been less of is clear articulations of what the reported data covers and what it doesn’t – what it means (the context), and how it’s measured against … Read more

ISSB Scope 3 guidance for companies will help asset managers report

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) is offering guidance and reliefs to companies disclosing their Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. At COP15 last week the global standards body agreed a framework that will allow companies to include information in their reports from their supply chains that have different reporting cycles. It also includes a … Read more

Companies need ‘room to fail’ on human rights

Investors need to allow companies room to be open about failings when it comes to human rights issues in their supply chains, a Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) conference in Barcelona heard earlier this month. Louise Davidson, CEO of the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI), said investors in Australia have been motivated to look … Read more

Politics, proxies and regulation dominate ESG in 2022

This year, ESG, like so many aspects of life, became a starkly partisan subject. While the engagement that investors and asset managers showed with public companies reached an all-time high, so too did the objections to shareholders influencing the operations of the companies they own. The year also saw major developments in legislation and regulation … Read more

Accountability for inclusion ratchets up with JPMorgan critique, Knight Foundation report

JPMorgan Chase  & Co. released a racial equity report, and SOC Investment Group is not impressed. “Jamie Dimon took the knee after George Floyd, and now they have to share the results. Instead, they put it in the smallest box they could,” said Dieter Waizenegger, executive director at SOC, referring to a common recognition of racial justice solidarity invoked in the … Read more

How the just transition will evolve through the decades

While there has been rapid growth in net-zero commitments, the concept of a just transition has received less focus, while becoming increasingly important. A ‘just’ transition is one that ensures energy transition is fair and inclusive, supporting the countries, regions, industries, communities, workers, or consumers who stand to lose economically and supporting ‘brown’ sectors to … Read more

Lowest cost carbon ETF in Australia launched

Global X ETFs Australia, the Australia-based ETF provider that is a member of Mirae Asset Financial Group, has launched what it claims is currently the lowest cost carbon ETF in the country. The Global X Global Carbon ETF (GCO2) launched on 14 December and tracks the ICE Global Carbon Futures Index to provide access to … Read more

CCLA investor group calls out modern slavery in UK seasonal work

CCLA Investment Management has rallied 10 institutional investors with a combined £806bn assets under management and advice to call on companies to better protect the UK’s migrant seasonal workers. Quilter Cheviot, Epworth Investment Management, Sarasin & Partners and Schroders are among firms to have signed a statement calling on retail companies and companies sourcing staff … Read more