Vanguard jumps ship at net-zero initiative

One of the world’s largest asset managers, Vanguard, is withdrawing from membership in the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, or NZAM, the firm announced today. That development follows a year of pressure from conservative groups and prominent Republicans on financial services firms to disavow ESG-related objectives. Notably, Vanguard’s decision comes a day after Senate Banking … Read more

Sustainability-themed funds on rise

The list of US mutual funds and ETFs with an ESG focus grew by 23% over a year as of the second quarter, reaching 813 products. That trend is coupled with a greater market share for passively managed funds which, as of the end of June, accounted for 23%, up from 20% a year prior, … Read more

‘ESG screening means too many things’

Screening, as an ESG strategy, means too many things to too many people, and the confusion is leading to claims of greenwashing, a Principles for Responsible Investment conference in Barcelona heard last week. According to Simon O’Connor, CEO of the Responsible Investment Association Australasia and chair of the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance, many screened products … Read more

Green Dream with Neuberger Berman’s Bailey: Our engagement success with Netflix

Voting against poor governance can prove fruitful, according to Neuberger Berman’s head of ESG investing Jonathan Bailey, who has shared how proxy voting – and giving indication of how the firm will vote – has resulted in positive change at some portfolio holdings. In his Green Dream video interview, Bailey discusses progress with Netflix and Berkshire Hathaway … Read more

COP27 and the pivotal role of emerging markets

Amid the expressions of both hope and frustration that followed the end of COP27, it’s worth considering the progress made at last year’s global climate summit before judging the talks at Sharm El Sheikh – and deciding what needs to happen next. COP26, held in Glasgow in 2021, marked an important step forward in global … Read more

What recent anti-ESG rhetoric gets wrong

Recent critiques of environmental, social and governance investing tend to seek emotive rather than rational appeal, with critics using words like “delusional,” “incoherent,” “scam,” “cabal” or “idiots.” Such rhetoric may fuel clickbait, but it distracts from valuable and informed discussion on how ESG can evolve. In navigating anti-ESG media, it’s valuable to separate well-founded criticisms … Read more