Environmental and Social Safeguards Coming to a Crossroad: Analysis of Alternatives in Project Development

If you consider the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) as the skeleton of a project, the Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) can certainly be considered as the backbone. The AoA examines the feasible alternatives of a proposed project from different points of view: technical, financial, regulatory, jurisdictional, environmental and social. Through this examination, the AoA … Read more

The ten elements of a meaningful stakeholder engagement process

International development practitioners have gained valuable insights over the years. One of the most impactful realizations is the need to increase transparency and engagement in the development process. For years, senior representatives from multilateral institutions have met regularly to discuss standards and experiences to ensure consistency of approach and share good practice in the areas … Read more

Strengthening conservationism in developing countries: The protected area approach

Protected areas have been at the forefront of global conservation efforts. They define the boundaries of critical ecosystems and biodiversity hotspots. However, a variety of different terminologies and special regulations around the status of these areas may dilute the concept and confuse the environmental practitioner. Ultimately, it may lead to harmful interventions in critical areas. … Read more

The power of nudging in the financial sector

  Advances in behavioral science are gleaning new insights into how customers can be nudged to optimize certain parts of their lives. Nudging in the financial sector is unlocking new possibilites for better finanical and planetary health that are set to revolutionize the field.  Reading Time: 3 minutes Nudging. It’s the latest evolution of a trend … Read more

What is Ethical Banking?

Reading Time: 2 minutes   This article was originally featured on the Fintech Times — Perceptions of ethical finance have varied and changed over the years. For some, ethical banking is a green campaign taking a stand on environmental concerns. For others it is about increasing access to affordable and appropriate financial products and services. … Read more

Tatra banka implements green banking feature provided by leading climate engagement fintech, ecolytiq

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Berlin/Bratislava, 27 July 2022 – Tatra banka has announced the launch of its latest green banking feature for its online banking brand Blue Planet to its over 600,000 customers. Leading climate engagement fintech ecolytiq provides the software solution behind Tatra banka’s new feature, allowing Tatra banka’s customers to actively monitor … Read more