Portfolios at greater risk from increasing land use and biodiversity mismanagement

The number of incidents negatively affecting nature and biodiversity is rising, with industries that cause such damage lacking adequate means to manage the issue, according to the latest ESG spotlight report from Morningstar Sustainalytics, Biodiversity in the Balance: Hedging Portfolio Risks. Investors are growing increasingly interested in addressing portfolio risks linked to biodiversity loss, and … Read more

Avoiding burnout while working in sustainability

Working in finance can be tough. While it’s not physically taxing (most of the time!), there’s a real mental strain that comes with working in an environment where everything, including your performance, is repriced every second. And if you work in sustainable finance, you add having to stay on top of literally all the world’s … Read more

Three ways firms can enhance net zero voting policies

Investment strategies should prioritise engagement and stewardship as the primary mechanism to drive alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement, as emphasised by the latest guidance from the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC). The Net Zero Voting Guidance is designed to support asset owners and managers in the development of their own … Read more

Firms miss out on $13trn as half of disabled consumers face barriers to buying

More than 50% of disabled consumers have encountered barriers to content, products, and physical and online retail services, according to research by The Valuable 500, the world’s biggest CEO collective. The results, which were gathered from insights from over 1,000 disabled consumers and thought leaders in 15 countries across six continents, also found only 2% … Read more

Rathbones recruits for global sustainable bond team

Rathbones has appointed Vanguard’s Christie Goncalves as assistant portfolio manager, to work under Bryn Jones on fixed income strategies. Goncalves (pictured) spent the past eight years at Vanguard working on global corporate ESG funds and ETFs, and as a senior trader with an emphasis in euro and sterling rates and credit. She also spent over … Read more

Why the Securities and Exchange Board of India should be thinking bigger on sustainable issues

I recently had an engaging meeting with one of the world’s largest general partner investors active in India. We ended up debating whether ESG should be much more than a checkbox exercise and a critical part of companies’ value creation, backed up by corresponding capital expenditure. As a dedicated ESG adviser, my position will hardly … Read more

Schroders Capital launches Article 9 energy transition fund

Schroders Capital has launched a semi-liquid Article 9 fund under its Schroders Greencoat umbrella, the Schroders Capital Semi-Liquid Energy Transition fund. The fund will invest in energy generation primarily though wind farms and solar parks which are at the ‘project’ stage of their businesses. Focusing predominantly on US and European companies, the fund will also … Read more

How to build an effective stewardship programme

In amongst the flurry of end of year activity there contained an interesting paper from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Released in November ahead of the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR), its multi-firm review into how authorised fund managers are embedding the guiding principles in ESG and sustainable investment funds contained useful pointers that firms would … Read more

Stewardship Insights: Scrutiny on asset managers’ engagement is evolving

In this new series, ESG Clarity takes a deep dive into an investment firm’s stewardship activities, discovering their key focuses and processes, and what’s in their engagement toolkit. Here, Yo Takatsuki, global head of investment stewardship at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, discusses the Golden Age of Electrification and how scrutiny on asset managers’ engagement is evolving. Click … Read more

Asian nuclear plans opens up supply chain investment opportunities 

Asia is experiencing a surge in nuclear power development as it seeks to secure its energy supply and transition away from fossil fuels, opening up opportunities for investors, according to research by Barclays. The region is developing 60% of the under-construction global nuclear capacity, creating medium-term opportunities in the supply chain/capital goods companies supporting the … Read more