Anti-ESG funds benefit believers in sustainable investing

The “center” continues to be a lonely place in American culture, with polarization across a broad spectrum of topics. It’s now sustainable investing’s turn under the microscope, as detractors are becoming louder and more aggressive, culminating in the launch of anti-ESG funds. I’m going to offer a controversial opinion: I posit the launch of these … Read more

UKSIF appoints Man Group ESG research head as chair

Jason Mitchell, head of responsible investment research at Man Group, has been appointed chair of the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF). Having previously worked on the board, he steps up to replace Michael Meehan, managing partner at TCR Innovations, who announced his departure in June after three years to move to Canada. Mitchell … Read more

Asia lags rest of the world in ESG ratings

Market participants are calling for stronger regulation of ESG ratings in Asia with growing concerns that the region is lagging the rest of the world, particularly Europe, where regulators are leading the way in providing oversight of the nascent sector. Last month, the UK Financial Conduct Authority said it had formed a group to write … Read more

Biodiversity framework to ‘phase down five horsemen of the biodiversity apocalypse’

As the United Nations Biodiversity Conference, COP15, opens in Montreal today, officials have urged negotiators to agree on an “ambitious and effective” post-2020 biodiversity framework and said they expect to have more to say on international finance soon. At the opening press conference yesterday, Inger Andersen, under-secretary-general of the United Nations and executive director of … Read more

Morningstar CEO on how direct indexing makes investing fun

Morningstar CEO Kunal Kapoor says direct indexing has the potential to get people more engaged with their money. The company recently launched a direct indexing service, with ESG being a leading factor in customization. Kapoor recently spoke with ESG Clarity about how custom features could lead to more people being interested in investing, and what that means … Read more