Methane and millet: Five food takeaways from COP27

Although the COP negotiations this year were largely disappointing, it was the first year food systems were up for discussion at the conference. Here are five key takeaways from those discussions: Food systems are part of the conversation Although better food systems for emissions reductions, food insecurity relief, biodiversity and farmer strength, and animal and … Read more

‘Limited momentum’ at Investment COP

Investing in green innovations such as renewables, carbon capture and batteries were all on the table for discussion during Investment COP 2022 – a side event to COP27 – according to delegates who attended, but many were disappointed with the level of detail in discussions. Here, they share with ESG Clarity some of the key … Read more

DOL’s final ESG rule will encourage take-up of sustainable investing

A final regulation released by the Department of Labor on Tuesday will reassure retirement plan advisers they can utilize sustainable investing without running afoul of federal law, experts said. The DOL rule allows – but does not require — plan fiduciaries to consider climate change and ESG factors in selecting investments, DOL Assistant Secretary Lisa Gomez said. … Read more

Schroders Q&A: Harmonise ESG regulation

Regulation being created in lots of different places at the same time can cause complexity, says Mervyn Tang, head of sustainability strategy, APAC, at Schroders, who would like to see more global harmonisation. Here, Tang tells ESG Clarity Asia about client demand for ESG in Asia and Schroders’ engagement approach in the region. What are … Read more

WWF: ‘Transition plans need to be credible’

Climate finance needs scale and pace and it’s good to see more relevant parties around the table, Margaret Kuhlow, global finance practice leader at WWF, tells ESG Clarity in this video interview from COP27. However, not everyone around the table speaks the same language when it comes to terminology. Kuhlow also discusses WWF’s role in … Read more

Impax interview part II: Regulation, politics and the role of a company

Joe Keefe, president of Impax Asset Management, the North American division of Impax Asset Management Group, says the roles of ESG in investing are paramount, as the role of corporations in society is becoming about more than just making money. He recently talked with ESG Clarity about regulation, the politics surrounding sustainable investing and what … Read more

Green Dream with MJ Hudson’s Bickerstaffe: Start preparing to disclose Scope 3 emissions now

Fund managers and the companies they invest in need to start preparing to report on Scope 3 emissions as soon as they can, Emma Bickerstaffe, managing director of ESG and sustainability at fund manager consultancy MJ Hudson, tells ESG Clarity‘s Natalie Kenway in this Green Dream video interview. Groups should futureproof their business by understanding … Read more

Asset managers must take action to decarbonise private market investments

Asset owners have issued a call to action to asset managers investing in private markets to integrate climate considerations when investing, regardless of asset class, as well as commit to net-zero targets and engagement action in this area. Expectations have also been expanded to encourage investment managers to phase out support for fossil fuels, and … Read more