Why and how should investors support the transition to safe and sustainable chemicals?

A sustainable economic future relies on sustainable investment practices. Delivering that future means investors must address not only ESG impacts and risks facing individual companies but also global systemic risks like climate change and nature loss. As systemic risks threaten whole portfolios and the stability and health of the financial system as a whole, this category … Read more

EdenTree reshuffles RI team as veteran Neville White retires

EdenTree has appointed a new head of responsible investment as Neville White (pictured) retires. Carlota Esguevillas, who was previously senior responsible investment analyst in the team, stepped into the role at the start of January 2024. Esguevillas has been with EdenTree’s responsible investment team for around three years, working closely with White, who will be … Read more

Nature: An invisible part of the economic equation

Climate change, as we know, has been a focal point for many investors over the last few years. But there’s another element which is coming more sharply into focus, and that’s nature, not least because climate change and nature loss are so closely interlinked. In a landmark analysis in 2021, British economist Sir Partha Dasgupta … Read more

Emerging green skills gap in financial services ‘jeopardises net zero goals’

The UK financial services sector faces an emerging green skills gap and is not moving fast enough to close it, jeopardising the UK’s net zero goals, according to the latest report by PwC in its Green Jobs Barometer series. In collaboration with Financial Services Skills Commission (FSSC) and the Aldersgate Group, the report explores the … Read more

One third of platforms and advisory groups ‘would fail’ SDR entity-level disclosure requirements

35% of the UK’s largest platforms and advisory groups would fail the entity-level disclosure requirements that form part of the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) new Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR), according to a Mobilityways study. All investment managers in excess of £5bn of assets under management will need to provide new disclosures to the FCA, explaining … Read more

Schroders joins network to accelerate change in sustainable real estate

Schroders has announced that it has joined the Global Real Estate Engagement Network (GREEN), a not-for-profit engagement network of global institutional investors dedicated to accelerating change and driving sustainability in the real estate industry. According to Schroders, joining GREEN will allow their Global Cities team to work alongside its peers to engage with listed real … Read more

More than half of Luxembourg financial companies meet SFDR ‘comply or explain’ rules

Almost six in 10 Luxembourg management companies, banks and insurance companies fulfilled the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation’s (SFDR) “comply or explain” rules, according to a report, but discrepancies were found in the reporting of principal adverse impacts (PAIs) The study, Sustainable Finance in Luxembourg 2023: An expanded overview, by the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative (LSFI) … Read more

ESG Out Loud: How active managers will use climate information to outperform

Todd Cort (pictured left), faculty director of Yale University’s sustainability program, is expecting an “explosion of unpriced information”, which he said active asset managers will use to outperform markets. Alongside this, the needle is being moved back towards ESG-oriented funds and financial regulators are in the process of standardising climate information and disclosures, which should … Read more

FCA urged to introduce mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting

Major UK investors have written to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to urge the regulator to act on racial equality by introducing mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting for financial institutions. In response to the FCA’s consultation on improving diversity and inclusion in the financial sector, members of ShareAction’s Good Work coalition – including NEST, Brunel … Read more