Tatra banka implements green banking feature provided by leading climate engagement fintech, ecolytiq

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Berlin/Bratislava, 27 July 2022 Tatra banka has announced the launch of its latest green banking feature for its online banking brand Blue Planet to its over 600,000 customers. Leading climate engagement fintech ecolytiq provides the software solution behind Tatra banka’s new feature, allowing Tatra banka’s customers to actively monitor their impact on the planet, receive tips on how to reduce it, and enjoy rewards for sustainable purchasing decisions. 

To shift consumer behaviour towards more sustainable spending, the ecolytiq Sustainability-as-a-Service® softwarewhich calculates personal environmental impact such as CO2 values on the basis of payment transactions – will work in conjunction with Tatra banka to inform and educate consumers about how their spending is impacting the environment.  

Tatra banka banking screen


“Through this partnership, Tatra banka has decided to become both a trendsetter and role model in the banking world,” says ecolytiq Co-founder and Managing Director Ulrich Pietsch. “Green banking is the chance for banks to future-proof their proposition, while improving their relationships with their customers and Tatra banka is well on their way to do just that.”  

Through introducing CO2 footprinting within its mobile banking app, Tatra banka customers can actively monitor their impact on the planet, receive personalised tips on how to reduce it, and enjoy rewards for sustainable purchases.  


Peter Golha, the Acquisition, Segments and Non-credit Products Division Director at Tatra banka: “We realise that as a bank, we play a role in the transformation towards sustainability. Not only have we a chance to change our own trajectory but also a chance to live the topic of sustainability alongside our clients. Therefore, we have decided to launch the Account for Blue Planet, which represents a unique connection of digital solutions that make the daily maintenance of finance easier and intelligent technologies directed at a sustainable future better,” says “We appreciate that we could cooperate with such creative partners as ecolytiq and Visa when creating this innovation,” adds Mr. Golha. 


Stephen King, VP Sustainability Solutions, Visa in Europe: “The financial services industry has an opportunity to give consumers the tools to make more sustainable choices. Through our ongoing partnership with ecolytiq, Visa is proud to be supporting Tatra banka as it rolls out access to more sustainable banking, offering features to their customers that enable them to understand the impact of every transaction and importantly engages them in ways to shift their purchases to be more sustainable. We remain committed to supporting ecolytiq on the next stage of its growth, and recently made an equity investment to power the development and expansion of its Sustainability-as-a-Service® solution across Europe. I look forward to seeing what the future of this partnership has to hold.”


About ecolytiq

The Sustainability-as-a-Service® solution from ecolytiq enables banks, fintech companies and financial service providers to show their customers the individual impact their purchasing behaviour is having on the environment in real time. The ecolytiq software calculates personal environmental impacts, such as CO2 values, on the basis of payment transactions. In November 2020, ecolytiq joined the Visa Fintech Partner Connect programme in Europe, enabling banks to seamlessly implement their sustainability strategies using payment data. www.ecolytiq.com

Media contact ecolytiq: Yuki Hayashi I ecolytiq GmbH I [email protected]
phone: +49 30 2201232-80

Tatra banka was established in 1990 as the first private bank in Slovakia and has been awarded over 270 prizes from 30 organizers during its existence. It belongs to the Raiffeisen Bank International Group and is a leader in the field of asset management, corporate and private banking. The promise of Tatra banka brand is being a leader in innovations and regularly bring its clients useful news, which will make their life easier.

Media contact Tatra banka: Simona Miklošovičová | Tatra banka, a.s. | [email protected] | phone: + 421 903 641 846

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